Abstract Lines
Sweeping lines, ascending and descending. Mysterious characters. They overlap and mix, sometimes collide – in rapid dynamics. Symbols of acceleration and speed. And still serenity. The lines lead across the canvas and strive beyond, they want to overcome limitations, boundaries – we can imagine: They strive out into free space and want to lead us out and expand our horizon.
Momies also designs walls and streets in this way. In Paris, for example, along the Seine. As a happy play with lines and colors. With such a work of Momies mayoress of Paris, Anne Hildago, turned a previously traveled street into a tranquil promenade. Momie’s current work today points to his beginnings as a graffiti artist. Even as a schoolboy, Momies began spraying graffiti on benches in front of his school. Soon he started working on walls and finally he conquered canvases. Momies is a French artist, born in 1976, he lives and works in Montpellier.